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Daily Bible Reading


Live Christ's Teachings


Take Care Of Your Spiritual Life. Jesus Is Worth It

How to live the Christian life is a topic that is discussed in many Bible passages. many people in the Bible wanted to live the a Godly life, but many struggle. From sinners, to pharisees, to disciples wanted to live the Godly life. Well, Jesus gave us the blueprint if that Christian walk. Jesus lived as the perfect example for us, so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel, we simply watch how live and follow His steps.

Pick your depth level

ABC of Christian Teachings

Perfect to undertand baisc Bleiefs or those who are new to Christ

Daily Bread

Perfect for our Daily walk with Christ.

Muture Chrisians

Perfect for those who cannot get enough of Jeus and want to dive in deeper in His knowledge

6-Week Parables Decoded Bible Study

Ever Wonder how the stories of Jesus told apply to you today? Or, why did Jesus speak in parables?
Parables Decoded uncovers these answers and so much more.

Parables Decoded focuses on:

  • Understanding Culture, Showing the
  • Bible as relevant in our day and age,
  • make the Bible easy to understand no
  • matter your level of experience
  • show practical application and relevance of the Bible

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